We Are Creating an Agrocity with near to zero waste

At SEFAPCOL, we have 15 Agro value lines, but we are currently focused on 6 that are fully integrated. Our vision is to grow a world class and globally competitive brand and network that create wealth for all stakeholders without any waste .

Now let me enlighten us on one of our integrated line of agro pursuit. We need to constantly educate and enlighten our stakeholders. Any project or scheme that is not transparent , open , subject to total scrutiny and which can be replicated or improved upon in another environment using the same playbook is an AUDIO PROJECT . Biko run for your life .


The piggery and pork value chain is one of the valued lines of agribusiness that is scientifically and digitally being championed by the great team at SEFAPCOL. Kindly remember that all our projects are integrated and fully insured under the NAIC comprehensive schemes .

The Piggery and Pork processing value chain will compete with the best anywhere in the world under a very competitive production , quality and pricing framework.

We are setting it up alongside our cash and food crop farm gates and milling plants. Feed cost is a very important cost component in animal husbandry . We plan to be very competitive here . NOTE, that we are creating conducive environment for agripreneurs to pursue their dreams.

Our cluster of 1000 pigs and pork processing plant at SEFAPCOL complex shall be decentralized under 50 enclaves/cluster groups all sharing the same synergistic facilities. Each cluster will be independently operated and each team will compete against itself and others to be the best .

We already have a committed chinese offtaker for 60,000 tons of porks annually . They need this pork supply for their target market and consumption in west africa. This is better than waiting on imports from Brazil .

The clusters of 1000 pigs in 50 separate clusters within the same shared facilities will have each settlement having 18 sows and 2 boars .

We envisage conservatively that the 900 soars discounted by 10% will litter about 14,580 pigs in 12 months. It takes 3 to 4 months for one full cycle of gestation.

We shall utilize our palm kernel cakes , maize and rice husks produced in our milling plants from our farm gates; and brewery wastes from golden Guinea Umuahia for our feeds . Our feedstock cost component will be very competitive.

In 24 months, we shall have over 52 000 pigs and state of the art pork processing plants working in full capacity within the expanded settlement .

Our overall target is to hit a conservative 200,000 to 300,000 tons of processed pork target by 2024. The preferred and the best pork supply destination in sub-sahara Africa

We have the right technical complements and offtakers. We have the right , high quality and appropriately priced feedstock for our herds . We have the demand into the medium terms for our products

We are comprehensively insured by the National Agricultural Insurance Corporation and have the right funding mechanisms to drive the growth.

The opportunities are huge. Very very huge

Outside the pigs and pork, we shall biodigest and convert the pig waste into organic fertilizers and utilize the biogas/fuel derived from the biodigestion systems and processes within each cluster to drive our 330kwa generators per zone .

We are also not forgetting the maggot farms and Agriprotein that will come out of these schemes.

It is a comprehensive knowledge and technology driven enterprise.

Agriculture and AGRO-BUSINESS have gone digital. People mistaken farming for agric. Those doing it in other climes do not have 2 heads . We shall do it much better under very passionately creative, skillful and transparent architecture.

Our philosophy is very simple… if the whole values are not extracted optimally we shall not venture into it. We shall never install a processing plant that we do not have the feedstock guarantee for at least 5 to 10 years and the committted offtakers for at least 5 years . It must be back to back end enclosed deal for us to touch it .

We are also not averse to risk. However, all the risk elements must be identified and appropriately mitigated/managed . HOLISTIC risk mitigation and management outside those caused by nature that are beyond us .

Our fully automated 16 tons per day rice milling plant and 5tons per day palm oil and palm kernel mill that are being put together will be 100% feedstocked from our own farm gate. That is why , it is a fully inhouse reliant and integrated agrocity. It is better to have more than required feedstock for your plant and then expand, than to install a plant that will he operated at suboptimal capacity

LetsGo. #AskYourQuestions. #KnowledgeIsPower. #EnterpriseIsGreat

OBIARAERI, Nnaemeka Onyeka

NB: We can also help you to design, structure, set up , secure funding and manage your own piggery clusters in your community. Our sole assignment is to help drive inclusive Wealth and jobs creation in the South East and South South of Nigeria first, then, extend it to other parts of the country.

The global pork market is a $287billion sized market. Let’s tap into just 1% of it

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